Chrono Project
- August 16, 2018 by WARdd#development, #3D-modelling, #problems, #bugs, #glitchesYou though I was done? Think again... Continue reading
- August 15, 2018 by WARdd#bugs, #mishaps, #development, #3DThe bugs never end! Here are some more ridiculous problems encountered during development... Continue reading
- August 08, 2018 by WARdd#kickstarter, #crowdfunding, #trailer, #videoHere is the video being used for the Kickstarter promotion, it explains the main features of the game and the reason why it's being crowd funded in the first place. Enjoy! If you're planning to donate... Continue reading
- August 06, 2018 by WARdd#crowdfunding, #kickstarter, #indie, #gameKickstarter page for the Chrono Project is now online! Also try out the latest version of the free demo on Steam... Continue reading